First of all, I want to thank all of you who have inquired about Sadler Wilderness Coaching this past Spring and Summer. I was being “mindfully absent” as I was retooling the executive coaching side of my business. In case you do not know, I operate Creative Conflict Solutions and work with businesses and individuals to transform their lives to serve them instead of them serving the business. I am currently working to build a better understanding between the Millennial generation and business leaders.

I worked very intensely with my coach Drayton Boylston for the past six months and did a major overhaul in many areas to be sure my business and habits are in alignment with my desired lifestyle. I called it my “Summer of Sacrifice” since I did not get outdoors very much this year…so far. You can read more about these changes in my weekly posts on the CCS Blog.

As we move into Autumn I know from experience that this is the time to plant your seeds of intention for your lives for fruition in the following year.

What changes do you want to see in your life? Focus on the changes, write them down, say some affirmative supporting statements in the form of affirmation or prayer spend some time alone with your thoughts in Nature and then watch the magic begin.

We are a part of Nature and her cycles. By getting in alignment with the seasons we begin to see miraculous results.

Fall: A time of going within, much like the trees and preparing for the coming of Winter and like the squirrels you prepare by being mindful of your intentions for the coming year.

Winter: A time for being within and allowing your intentions to lie dormant. This does not mean there is no activity! It only means the work is being done on a level unseen to the human eye and experience. For the Cherokee Winter represents a time to contemplate our humility and gratitude.  Mount Rainier in Autumn

Spring: A time for rebirth. All plant and animal life becomes more active. The intentions planted in the previous fall begin to come out from under Winter’s blanket. This is a time for newness and much outer world activity will occur. This is a time to stay focused on the intentions you have set and to trust they are coming to fruition. It can be a hectic time so be patient.

Summer: All Intentions are in full bloom! This is a comforting time in Nature and life is a bit more carefree and joyous. Watch the animals play and then alternate lying in the sun and shade. The birds float in the sky like magic. We also feel a direct warm connection to the Earth and Sky as we see our intentions coming to life before our very eyes.

Once you understand the basic premise of how the seasons work in Nature you will be able to hit your goals faster and live a more satisfying life.

A word of caution is needed here. The laws of Nature are working all the time. If you are not mindful of your intentions you may be setting intentions that are sabotaging the very happiness you seek! If you do nothing else, please be aware of your thoughts and how you communicate with yourself and others. This small shift will ensure you are in alignment with the Nature within us all.




Raven Featherssmall