February 1st I launched this site, somewhat quietly. It was my self-imposed deadline to have the site go live on that date. But then what?

This is a yet undefined, creative, in the moment process for me, and the Wilderness Coaching. It cannot be as creative as I want it to be by setting to many concrete goals and simply checking them off of my list. There is a place for that and that is Sadler Business Coaching and the other businesses I have owned and operated over the years. Seasons for Change

Don’t mistake this as a mentality of being unmotivated or unconcerned. I have an amazing amount of enthusiasm for what is to come next for me and this project. It is just that I am learning a new skill…how to back off… and let things grow without me standing over them all of the time asking it to grow a particular way.

One of the common themes we experience in nature (and will be referred to here on this blog and on our excursions) are the seasons. Seasons provide us with variety, change, and opportunities to uniquely grow and expand within each one in particular way. Most of us simply continue the same state of being all year-long on the conscious level while under the surface there are other forces at work. Tapping into these sources of the seasons will bring us back into balance creating a happier more fulfilling life.

  • Spring is the time for renewal, planting and moving out of our cocoons
  • Summer is the time for fun, growth, expansion toward our hopes and dreams
  • Fall is the time to harvest that was planted in the Spring (Be aware of what you are planting!) preparation for winter and the time to prepare to go within
  • Winter is a time of slumber, inner work, planning, and analysis

I have always known this. I have not always applied this knowledge however. This brings us back to me and this coaching concept and website. Through my own inner work and working with my coach and three other advisors-sometimes it takes a team with me-I discovered:

  1. It is ok to not have the details nailed down on this and other things
  2. Winter is the time for planning for me, not launching
  3. Spring will bring me all of the answers I need. I cannot make them up I need to let them reveal themselves to me.
  4. Summer will reveal even more for Sadler Wilderness Coaching and the future direction
  5. This is truly a labor of love. You cannot rush love.

Some things I know for sure will be happening:

  1. The coaching model will include helping people find happiness,  or more happiness in and for life itself.
  2. Assist people in simplifying their lives to their comfort level and reduce or eliminate stress.
  3. Share my experiences and lessons of my years in the back country and study of First Peoples and how they can be applied in our daily routine of life.

The “how” of those three things will be done is unclear at this time. I am trusting in the process of the unseen power that is present in all of our lives at all times.

Keep an eye on this site and be sure and follow me on my FaceBook page to see how it all unfolds and I look forward to having you in the mystery with me!

Comments and suggestions are always welcome!


See you on the path,
